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Bosker en Zonen B.V.

Welcome to Bosker en Zonen B.V.
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Our company profile
  • Interested to hire internationals
  • Watertech
  • Services & Retail
  • Maritime
Sustainable Development Goals
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth

Bosker en Zonen (Bosker and Sons) has been located in the historical fisherman’s village of Termunterzijl in the north of the province of Groningen since 1932. We are a solid company, which focuses on the customer. Because of our affinity with water, the company initially started by building machines and providing services for shrimp fishery.

Bosker delivers a series of high quality products and services, such as trash rake cleaners, water management and -treatment. Additionally, Bosker acts as a techical service provider for the industry, particularly in the areas surrounding Termunterzijl. Bosker is active both at home and abroad.

A. Verburghwijk 6 9948 PE Termunterzijl
Antoni Verburghwijk 6, Termunterzijl