The Northern Netherlands focuses on 4 major transitions:
- From a linear to a circular economy;
- From fossil to renewable energy;
- From healthcare to (positive) health;
- From analogue to digital
You will find that innovative companies and projects that operate in these transitions are more international-friendly. We need diverse teams and the best possible talent to solve the challenges these transitions offer.
What's happening in your industry?
Which (networking) organizations does your industry have?
Find your industry below to learn all about it!
Top sectors of Groningen, Friesland and Drenthe

Business associations
Once you have a little bit of Dutch in your pocket, it's a great idea to attend industry events. You'll find many Dutch networking events through
- business associations (bedrijvenverenigingen)
- sector associations (brancheverenigingen)
Have a look at these associations, which all boast international-friendly companies among their members!