About Make it in the North

We're a project that solves two problems by bringing them together: the shortage on the Northern Dutch job market, and internationals looking for work.

We build a bridge between companies in Groningen, Friesland and Drenthe and English-speaking talent through a career-job portal, network events, job fairs and tireless enthusiasm.

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Find out what the Northern Netherlands has to offer!

Make it in the North is a non-profit project and platform fully in English with everything you need to settle and build your career in Groningen, Friesland and Drenthe. On our website you can:

  1. Find international-friendly jobs in the North 
  2. Get practical tips on settling and working in Groningen, Friesland and Drenthe click to for jobseekers page
  3. Join physical and online networking events and workshops
MIITN team
Meet our team
About the North

Make it in the North was created by a big group of organisations in the Northern Netherlands (business associations, universities, city governments, and other). All these organisations wish to connect internationals and internationally-minded Dutchies with local companies. We are super proud of our region and of its increasing internationalization, and we want to make this place welcoming for everyone.

Wrk Logo

We're websites twinsies and content partners with the Frysian talent platform WRK.frl/. Frysian companies can login to both websites using the same account!