Companies in Groningen, Friesland and Drenthe268

Great news! All the companies you find below hire internationals. You don't have to speak Dutch at a professional level to start working here. If a company you really like has no jobs available right now, they might still be interested to talk with you! Consider sending them an open application or a request to meet up.
⭐ New companies are added every week, so make sure to check back!

Bulthuis Header

Bulthuis Truck- and Trailerparts

  • Groningen
  • Interested to hire internationals
  • (Metal) Manufacturing Industry
  • Automotive, Transport & Logistics
Cape Hero

Cape Holland

  • Beilen
  • Interested to hire internationals
  • Maritime


  • Assen
  • Interested to hire internationals
  • Services & Retail
  • Culture & Creative Industries
FireShot Capture 146 Cbee Remarkable Google Search

CBEE Remarkable

  • Groningen
  • Interested to hire internationals
  • For jobseekers
Chordify Team (1)


  • Groningen
  • Interested to hire internationals
  • Interested to hire PhDs
  • Digital & IT
  • 2+


  • Groningen
  • Interested to hire internationals
  • (Green) Chemistry
Codegorilla Pic (1)


  • Groningen
  • Interested to hire internationals
  • Digital & IT
  • Education & Academic Research

Comecer Netherlands

  • Joure
  • Interested to hire internationals
  • Innovatie Cluster Drachten
  • Lifescience & Health