How to hire a permitholder

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Join this online information session with Make it in the North, Refugee Talent Hub, Het Noorden Werkt Door, and various other support organizations to learn more! Many permitholders in the North are excited and able to get to work now, but have trouble gaining access to the jobmarket. Find out about this group, and what support there is for you and your potential employee.

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Salar Ashari Meetgreet Postcodeloterij

How to hire a permitholder / Hoe huurt u een statushouder in?

At this moment, the Netherlands has over 100.000 permitholders, aka refugees with a residence and work permit. Generally, after 5,5 years of having a residence permit, only 44% of these people has been able to get a job. Even though many of these people have an education, and/or already many years of work experience, and they want to get to work in the Netherlands. In other words: this is a high-potential group of people, and it's absolutely worth it to see which of your open jobs they would be able to do for you.

NL: Zoekt u meer basisinforrmatie? Check bijvoorbeeld dit artikel van Refugee Talent Hub over statushouders op de arbeidsmarkt.

Photo by Salar Ashari of a meet and greet at Postcode Loterij.