Build and maintain your network to land your next job in the North

Growing your local professional network is often a necessary step if you want to find a job in the North of the Netherlands.


While many job opportunities are only one click away, applying to jobs without ever investing in your network is not a great idea. Not only will you find more jobs, and will you see them faster, if you start building a local network in your field; you also have a higher chance to be invited for an interview if it comes with a recommendation of someone in your network. 

Connect with people over a cup of coffee

One way to start building up your network in the North is by having a cup of coffee with interesting people. Maybe you came across a person who works for a company you’d be willing to work for. Why not invite them for a cup of coffee and ask them about a typical week in their office? What do they like about their job? What don’t they like?

If you’re meeting a person who handles recruitment within the company you should ask them how they advertise their vacancies. Ask if they’ll be able to let you know if they ever have an opening and what’s the best way to get in touch with them again.

To keep the ball rolling, at the end of each coffee meetup ask the person you’re meeting to recommend someone else you should have a coffee with. Before you know it, your network will expand to a considerable size!

Go to networking events

There are great events being organized with the specific aim of creating networking opportunities for you! The North of the Netherlands features tightly knit business communities, so if you go to the right event you’ll probably meet a good number of companies all in one place.

It’s possible that a manager within the company is present at the fair, if not the CEO themselves, and you could have a chat with them about the company. It’s also a good opportunity to make a solid first impression.

There are also various meetups being organised that typically feature a keynote speech followed by a networking opportunity. Use events like these to ask people where they’re working, how they found their job, and for any advice they might have to offer.

Make it in the North regularly organizes these types of events. You'll be able to find the upcoming ones on our events page

(Former) employees

At the events, you might bump into former employees of a company you are interested in. Pick their brains about their time working there! They’ll be able to give you a different perspective about things. They also don’t have to worry about possible competition since they’ve now moved on to a different workplace.

"Networking is a lot like nutrition and fitness: we know what to do, the hard part is making it a top priority."

Herminia Ibarra

Impressions from our previous Networking Mixer centered around IT and tech

Say thanks with a postcard

As your network grows, why not send a postcard to thank the people you meet along the way? It’s a nice gesture that apart from showing gratitude also reminds the person about your conversation. Perhaps they heard of a job opening and remember that you were thinking about a career in that area.


You never quite know which person you meet will be the one to introduce you to your future job, so keep on growing your network! Don't just connect with recruiters; also connect with fellow jobseekers in your field. If they found a job at a company you're interested in before you did, you will be able to ask them about the company and other opportunities there. And in turn, when you become part of a large circle, don’t forget to help newcomers who might start coming to you for advice.

Make it in the North spoke with Fransis Bosch from the Talent and Career Centre and recruiter Dick Wierenga from Spindle for advice on networking in the Netherlands.