Noardling B.V.

- Watertech
More than 250 years of experience; from water intake systems to water cooling, from water management to wastewater treatment, hydropower, pumping installations, and award-winning innovations in the field of decentralised wastewater treatment
At Noardling, we build on a rich history dating back to 1880. It began with the establishment of machine factory Hubert & Co. by Bolsward pioneer Wopke Hubert and Groningen adventurer Wessel Nieveen. What started with the production of steam boilers and polder pumping stations grew into a focus on wastewater treatment and water treatment.
In 1913, Landustrie founded by Hiltjo Wiert Bos. The company played a key role in polder drainage and grew into a global player in wastewater treatment after World War II. Worth mentioning is the construction of the world’s largest screw pump in 2017.
In 2005, Desah founded, a young company focused on sustainable and circular wastewater treatment. Demonstration projects in Sneek laid the foundation for international recognition, with awards such as the Global Water Award in 2022.
Together, Hubert, Landustrie and Desah bring together more than 250 years of experience and expertise in Noardling. With a strong focus on innovation and collaboration, we continue to build sustainable solutions to the water challenges of the future.