Companies in Groningen, Friesland and Drenthe268

Great news! All the companies you find below hire internationals. You don't have to speak Dutch at a professional level to start working here. If a company you really like has no jobs available right now, they might still be interested to talk with you! Consider sending them an open application or a request to meet up.
⭐ New companies are added every week, so make sure to check back!

Hanze Banner (1)

Hanze University of Applied Sciences

  • Groningen
  • Interested to hire PhDs
  • Interested to hire internationals
  • Hive Mobility
  • 1+
3 Erbild Webseite 1640x514px


  • Scheemda
  • Interested to hire permitholders
  • Interested to hire internationals
  • Interested to hire PhDs
  • 2+
Hihaho Photo (1)


  • Assen
  • Digital & IT
  • Education & Academic Research
Top View Of Cheerful Refinery Worker Standing By Gas Pipe And Looking Up.

Hint Engineering B.V.

  • Groningen
  • Interested to hire internationals
  • Digital & IT
  • Nano- & Microtech
  • 5+
KlaasLageweg Housewood Ansichtkaart 1 Laag 768×768

Housewood BV

  • Groningen
  • Interested to hire internationals
  • Construction and Infrastructure
  • Digital & IT
Huhtakamki Header (1)


  • Leeuwarden
  • Interested to hire internationals
  • Packaging
  • Research & Development
Huloai Cover

  • Leeuwarden
  • Interested to hire internationals
  • For jobseekers
  • Founded in Friesland
  • 2+
Hydraloop Cover


  • Leeuwarden
  • Interested to hire PhDs
  • Interested to hire internationals
  • Watertech

HZPC Holland BV

  • Joure
  • Interested to hire PhDs
  • Interested to hire internationals
  • Agrifood & Dairy
Frame 5711 1

IBM Client Innovation Center

  • Groningen
  • Interested to hire internationals
  • Interested to hire permitholders
  • For jobseekers
  • 2+
Icit Inspiringideas Cover


  • Franeker
  • Interested to hire internationals
  • Digital & IT